Wellbeing at Hartpury

Welcome to Hartpury

Confidentiality Hartpury will always maintain the strictest confidentiality. We will only disclose information if we think you are a danger to yourself and / or others.


We are pleased to provide you with this Wellbeing at Hartpury booklet. We hope your experience here is fun and enjoyable with fantastic learning opportunities that will provide you with lifelong memories. For some of you we realise this may be a daunting experience but we hope you relish this new adventure. Our Wellbeing, Residential Support and Academic teams are here to help. Inside this booklet you will find a range of information to help you settle in. In this booklet you will find a range of subjects that you will need to keep you safe and enjoy life at Hartpury. Please take the time to read these as they outline important information to assist in the smooth running of the campus and to help make your time here fulfilling. Mental health is defined as a state of wellbeing in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to their community. Here at Hartpury it is our aim to promote positive mental health and by reading this booklet and asking for help should you need it, will go a long way in you supporting your own mental health. We will be holding our annual WellFest this year in September. We would love for you to be part of what is an amazing day full of interactive events for you to get involved in. Details will be sent out nearer the time and your Tutor will have all the information you need to get the most of the day. Finally, if we have missed something or you just need some help or someone to talk to, please speak to your tutor, or anyone in our Wellbeing, Wardening or Residential teams who are based in the Student Zone.


Welcome to Hartpury


05 Chapter 01 Wellbeing 07 Positive mental health 08 Emotional and physical wellbeing 10 Coping with stress 12 Living away from home 14 Bereavement 16 Resilience 17 Faith and belief 18 Engage 19 Student Assistance Programme (SAP) 21 Chapter 02 Be Healthy 22 General health 23 Healthy lifestyle 26 Contraception and sexual health

28 Self-harm and suicide 32 Anxiety and depression 35 Chapter 03 Stay safe 36 Be aware of chatroom dangers 38 Peer on peer abuse 40 Peer pressure 42 Drugs, substances and smoking 45 Drinking responsibly 48 Relationships and consent 50 Safe driving 52 PREVENT extremism and radicalisation 54 WHISPER reporting tool 55 Staying safe on and off campus 57 Chapter 04 Make a positive contribution 58 Young people with learning difficulties and/or disabilities 60 Anti-social behaviour 60 Equality, diversity and inclusivity 64 Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender 66 Students’ Union 69 Chapter 05 Achieve economic wellbeing 70 Careers and education 72 Study skills 74 Transition into work or further study 76 Planning your money 79 Gambling 81 Contacts


01 Wellbeing


Not everyone feels good all the time


Being mentally or emotionally healthy is much more than being free of depression, anxiety or other psychological issues. Below are 10 characteristics of people who are mentally healthy: 1. They feel good about themselves. 2. They do not become overwhelmed by emotions, such as fear, anger, love, jealousy, guilt, or anxiety. 3. They have lasting and satisfying personal relationships. 4. They feel comfortable with other people. 5. They can laugh at themselves and with others. 6. They have respect for themselves and for others even if there are differences. 7. They are able to accept life’s disappointments. 8. They can meet life’s demands and handle their problems when they arise. 9. They make their own decisions. 10 They shape their environment whenever possible and adjust to it when necessary. You are probably not going to feel all of these all of the time but here at Hartpury we can help you achieve some of them to support your positive mental health.


You don’t have to be sporty. Just half an hour of moderate exercise a day will get those little endorphins in the brain moving which helps to improve your mood, keeps you healthy and also improves your sleeping pattern. Walking, dancing or cycling are all excellent forms of exercise. When you are studying for exams or are approaching a coursework deadline, exercise will reduce your stress levels and give you a break to think clearly. Exercise will make you feel good about yourself afterwards and more positive. Sitting indoors watching TV or playing computer games won’t help you feel good, so have a look at the activities you could try out, and give them a go. Hartpury Sports Academy has excellent facilities. Why not just pop along and organise membership? Hartpury Active Hartpury Active is a student designed programme led by students and the Sports Maker with a range of opportunities to help you get active, competitive and confident.


Look out for • Putting on weight, lack of interest and no ‘get up and go’ • Feeling down about yourself • Being lonely • Watching too much TV and spending too much time just sitting doing nothing Action • Sign up for full and varied enrichment activities taking place as advertised in Heroes and at the Sports Academy or via the Hartpury Active and Hartpury Students’ Union Facebook pages. • Get involved in Hartpury’s social life and find out what activities are available and what extra qualifications you can achieve e.g. Netball L1 Coaching or Football L1 coaching. • Contact your local leisure centre and find out when they run cheaper sessions for young people. • Get some shoes on, get outdoors and feel some fresh air. • Contact the Student Enrichment Officer in Heroes to find out what activities are taking place around campus. Contacts www.sportengland.org Your Tutor Healthy Travel Information | www.sustrans.org.uk Students’ Union www.hsu.unioncloud.org | studentsunion@hartpury.ac.uk Sports Maker 01452 702534 | hartpuryactive@hartpury.ac.uk


It’s important to work to realistic goals and not to push yourself so hard that you get stressed out. Break work down into bite sized, manageable chunks and set yourself rewards once you have completed a particular piece of work. Maybe go to the cinema or just have a cup of tea and a biscuit! Develop your study skills by getting a plan of your assignments. Find out your best place to study - is it in the quiet or with a partner? Be organised and have everything ready that you’ll need.

Plan your time and build in revision but don’t forget to take time out when you need it. Take some time out to exercise too, which will keep you more mentally alert and give you more energy. Eat healthily and aim to get eight hours of sleep a night. Get organised, avoid time wasting and learn to prioritise in advance!


Look out for • Frequently missing deadlines and falling behind. • Feeling like you haven’t got the time to attend lessons because you are behind in your coursework. • Feeling so stressed out by work you can’t sleep. • Spending so long on your work you don’t have the time to go out with friends. Action • Prioritise work you have to do now and work you need to do later. • Don’t over complicate what you need to do and it will immediately become more manageable. • Try to keep a healthy balance between study and your personal life. • University students can access what is on offer via the Achievement Success Centre on Moodle and book a 1:1 tutorial. Contacts Nurse | nurse@hartpury.ac.uk Counselling | counselling@hartpury.ac.uk Wellbeing | 01452 702327 | wellbeing@hartpury.ac.uk Your Tutor College Learning Support Team aspire@hartpury.ac.uk University Learning Support Team asc@hartpury.ac.uk

Student Assistance Programme (SAP) | 0800 028 3766


Nearly everyone leaves home at some point and it can be exciting as well as scary. You might not be so lucky though, and may feel that moving out is your only option because you’re not getting on with your family. Make sure you keep yourself safe in your new home. Don’t let anyone in that you feel uncomfortable with or don’t trust. Leaving home is a big step, and it’s best to know as much as you can about what it’ll be like before it happens. Many students suffer from homesickness at some point. For the majority, this soon passes as they make friends and ‘find their feet’ on their course. Living in halls often teaches students how to live away from home for the first time. You will discover how to manage your money and laundry, whilst interacting with a community of people from a variety of backgrounds. It can take time to get settled and feel at home, so be kind to yourself. In a few short weeks’ you will have made friends with people who will be in your life for longer than the duration of your course. If you are struggling with being away from family and friends please talk to someone, for example staff from the Wellbeing or the Wardening teams or your Student Warden. Residential Life The Hartpury Residential Life team are here to support you throughout your time as a residential student and will be offering various workshops and events throughout the year for you to engage in. During the first few weeks in residence we will be on hand to help you settle into your accommodation and to build friendships with your new peers. Contact us residentiallife@hartpury.ac.uk


Look out for • Some young people relish moving away from home but for others it might be a struggle. You’re probably used to your parents / carers doing everything for you, such as washing, cooking, cleaning, helping with finances and getting you from A to B! Action • Work out your budget, which is how much money you can afford to pay on credit for your mobile phone, socialising, taxis etc. • Try and give yourself as much time as possible before you leave home, because there are lots of things to plan and sort out. • If you want to leave home because of problems with your family, try and talk to your parents or carers to see if you can make things better. Do you have any relatives you can stay with instead? • Come and speak to someone in the Wellbeing team. Contacts Your Tutor Wellbeing | 01452 702327 | wellbeing@hartpury.ac.uk

Citizens Advice Bureau www.adviceguide.org.uk

Residential Support Team | 07768 091041 Chaplain | chaplaincy@hartpury.ac.uk www.gov.uk www.adviceguide.org.uk

Student Assistance Programme (SAP) | 0800 028 3766


Losing someone important to you is one of the hardest things to experience in life and if you’re young, bereavement can be even more difficult. However, support and advice are available to help you get through it. Your teenage years can be a lot of fun, but they are also often an emotional time. If someone close to you dies, it can be incredibly hard and can make you feel very alone, especially as a young person, because you might find that none of your friends have gone through anything similar and don’t understand or know what to say. Grieving is a natural part of recovering from a bereavement, and everyone’s experience of grief is different. These feelings may be very intense, particularly in the early days and weeks. Time eventually helps these intense emotions to subside and there’s no need to feel guilty about starting to feel better. There are several things that can help you start to feel better. Looking after your health and talking to someone will help you to get through this difficult time. Look out for • Sadness

• Shock, particularly if the death was unexpected • Relief, if the death followed a long period of illness • Guilt and regret • Anger • Anxiety • Despair and helplessness • Depression


Action Talking about your grief is an important part of getting through a bereavement. Sometimes the most unlikely person can actually offer the most support. If you’ve lost a family member, someone else in your family may also be good to open up to because they’re likely to understand how you’re feeling. A close friend can be a good listener and a source of comfort and support, even if they haven’t gone through this themselves. During a time of grief you may not feel like looking after yourself properly but it is important and the tips below might help: • Eating - try to keep eating as normal a diet as possible. • Sleeping - Getting a good nights sleep will help you to cope better. • Socialising - seeing your friends may help take your mind off the situation. • Don’t feel guilty about not thinking about the person you’ve lost. • Exercising - regular exercise can make you feel good and help you sleep. • Avoid smoking, drinking and taking drugs – they will make you feel worse. Contacts Your Tutor Wellbeing | 01452 702327 | wellbeing@hartpury.ac.uk Counselling | counselling@hartpury.ac.uk Chaplain | chaplaincy@hartpury.ac.uk

Student Assistance Programme (SAP) | 0800 028 3766 Your GP www.hopeagain.org.uk www.winstonswish.org.uk Cruse | 0808 808 1677 | www.cruse.org.uk


Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. Resilience is a quality that allows some people to be knocked down by life and come back stronger than ever. Rather than letting failure overcome them and drain their resolve, they find a way to rise from the ashes. Psychologists have identified some of the factors that make someone resilient. A positive attitude, optimism, the ability to regulate emotions, and see failure as a form of helpful feedback. Resilient people are blessed with such an outlook that they are able to change course and soldier on.

Action • Learn - by continuing to learn, you become increasingly emotionally resilient as a person. It gives you more knowledge and makes you want to do things rather than be passive, like watching TV or being on your phone. Look out for Your resilience is low if you are experiencing some or all of the following: • Nervous, manic energy • Wandering, unfocused mind • Negativity • Strain in relationships • Dullness, lack of inspiration • Depression and fatigue • Regular usage of caffeine, nicotine or alcohol • Achievement via strain and effort • Feeling overshadowed by situations


Faith and belief Hartpury University and Hartpury College is a diverse community of people, many of whom have religious and other beliefs. As part of its commitment to equality and diversity and to creating a tolerant and inclusive community, Hartpury recognises it is important that all are treated with equal dignity and respect. This includes respect for religious or other beliefs. Hartpury supports the free practice of religion by its staff and students. The Chaplain is available to all students and staff who may wish to ask questions or have company on their religious • University students have access to support via the Achievement Success Centre, details of which can be found via Moodle. Contacts Nurse | nurse@hartpury.ac.uk Wellbeing | 01452 702327 | wellbeing@hartpury.ac.uk www.actionforhappiness.org Student Assistance Programme (SAP) | 0800 028 3766 • Help other people – helping people who are often in situations worse than yours will help you put your problems into perspective. The more you give, the more resilient and happy you feel. If you don’t have time to volunteer, try to do someone a favour every day. • Accept the things you cannot change – changing a difficult situation isn’t always possible. Try to concentrate on the things you do have control over. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it. • Fitness – your mental and physical ability and wellbeing will help you cope with the challenges presented. • Reach out – call on others to help you meet that challenge that you are facing.

or faith journey. Contacts Chaplain | chaplaincy@hartpury.ac.uk


A safe space for when you feel anxious, nervous, overwhelmed or homesick. Engage is a place where you can relax and talk to others about how you are feeling. There are lots of activities to help you unwind and create a positive distraction. • Chill out - listening to music or watching TV. • Be creative - lots of arts and craft activities available. • Talk – a place to share your feelings and ask for help. • Healthy snacks – lots of advice on healthy snacks and opportunity to try out new ideas. • Getting out and about – Walk and talk, discover the Hartpury campus and even visit the animals. • Do good to feel good – join together to raise money for your chosen charities. Opening times 8am to 5pm Where is Engage? We are in the Student Zone, ask at Student Services and they will direct you to us. It’s okay to not be okay. Engage is a place for you to feel at home even though you are away from home, a place to share with others how you feel and to start moving in a new direction. We look forward to meeting you soon.


Student Assistance Programme (SAP)

Sometimes we need a little extra help along the way. The Student Assistance Programme (SAP) offers 24/7 confidential advice and guidance to help support you. The SAP can support a range of issues including:

Bereavement support

Financial support

Wellbeing advice

Relationship advice

Medical information

Legal advice

Counselling support

Academic pressure

To access SAP support, please call the free 24/7 confidential helpline 0800 028 3766 If you have any questions about the SAP, please

contact the Wellbeing team wellbeing@hartpury.ac.uk



02 Be Healthy


Doctors It is your responsibility to register with a doctor. Further details can be obtained from the Hartpury Nurse. All students are recommended to register with a local NHS practice.

Dentists It is extremely difficult to locate an NHS dentist in this area so we strongly recommend you remain registered with your dentist at home. However, should you prefer to try to find one here or you require emergency treatment, please speak to the Hartpury Nurse on your arrival.


It is one which helps to keep and improve your health and wellbeing and has a lifelong effect. You should eat healthily, do physical activities and manage your weight and stress. The benefits can include a long life, reducing stress and anxiety together with improving your overall mental health. It will also help with any sleep problems, lack of motivation and can improve muscle and bone health.


How can I do this? Choose healthy foods • Avoid processed high fat food. • Eat healthy fats in moderation, these can include olive and sunflower oil, fish, nuts and seeds. • Select foods that are low in sugar and highly refined carbohydrates. • Eat a variety of food instead of processed foods, such as fruit, vegetables, lean meat, beans, grains, low fat dairy products. Get some exercise! • Start and finish your workout with a cool down of stretching. • Try and go to the gym 3 – 5 times a week. We have a great gym at Hartpury, just visit the Hartpury shop online for details of membership. We will provide you with a full induction to keep you safe. • If the gym is not your thing try walking. Seek out Hartpury Active for all the extra activities that are provided at low or no cost. Avoid unhealthy habits • Try not to yo-yo diet. Once you have lost weight then just keep going with what you have learned rather than having to keep telling yourself you need to lose weight. • Stay away from fad diets. They don’t work and you will just get into that yo-yo state again. • Exercise in moderation – don’t go mad and injure yourself. There are plenty of people at Hartpury to help you manage your exercise programme.


Avoid smoking and manage your alcohol intake • Both are associated with a variety of health risks including heart or liver disease and many cancers and alcohol poisoning and depression. • Want to give up? No problem just make an appointment with our friendly and informative Hartpury Nurses who can help you with your choices. Sleep! • Don’t skimp on your sleep – it’s vital to get between 7-9 hours per night. • In fact, teenagers need even more – between 8-10 hours per night. • If you get a good night’s sleep you will feel energised and ready for anything that the day throws at you! Suncream • Don’t skip the suncream. • Exposure can cause health risks including cancer. • Whenever you are outside wear a suncream of at least 30 spf and don’t forget to put it on even if there are clouds. Good hygiene • Shower every day and shower again if you have undergone an activity that has made you sweat. This will cut down on body odour and acne. • Brush your teeth twice a day. This will reduce bad breath and gum disease. • Clean feet can reduce athletes foot and smelly odours! • Wear clean clothes. • Wash your hands – particularly before preparing and eating food and after using the toilet. Also after you have coughed or sneezed.


In the UK, the legal age for two consenting people to have sex is 16. Only you know if you’re ready to have sex with someone and it’s vital to have safe sex and use contraception. A condom is best – if used properly it can prevent you falling pregnant and also stops you catching a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) like Chlamydia. Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted infection for young people under 25 years in the UK. Chlamydia can cause infertility but can be treated easily. The Hartpury Nurse can advise on all aspects of general health including relationship issues, pregnancy, safe sex, sexual health and keeping safe. If you think you are pregnant don’t ignore it, talk to someone you trust such as your GP, tutor, or Hartpury nursing team.


Look out for • Nobody is putting pressure on you and most young people wait until they are at least 16 before they have sex, even if they say different! • You’re not doing it because you think all your friends are. • Make sure you respect everyone you come into contact with. Action • Free, confidential advice, information and contraceptives are available from the Hartpury Nurse, GUM (Genito-Urinary Medicine) clinics, some young people’s sexual health clinics and doctors. • If you’ve had sex without contraception, or think it’s failed, you can take emergency contraception up to five days after having unprotected sex. The sooner you take it the more effective it will be. Contact the Hartpury Nurse. • If you think you might be pregnant, talk to someone you trust. Free pregnancy testing is available from the Hartpury Nurse, at all young people’s sexual health clinics, GUM clinics and some doctors. Contacts Nurse | nurse@hartpury.ac.uk Your doctor www.brook.org.uk www.nhs.uk You can make an appointment by calling Hope House on 0300 421 6500 who will give you a time for you to see the NHS Sexual Health Nurse. www.hopehouse.nhs.uk


Everyone feels down sometimes, but some people can feel so depressed that they think about self-harming or even suicide. There are a lot of reasons why young people might feel like this, for example being bullied, being abused and feeling stressed out.


People who self-harm say it helps make them feel a bit better, or they do it to show other people they’re unhappy and have other problems. They don’t often ask for help because they feel ashamed of doing it, but there is support out there and it needn’t rule someone’s life. Males and females can both feel suicidal, but males are more at risk because they find it harder to talk about their problems and prefer to cope on their own. Asking for help doesn’t mean you’re a weak person. If you’re feeling suicidal you need to talk to someone you trust as soon as possible - a family member, a friend, a member of staff, a helpline, or your doctor. That way, you can get some help.


Look out for Signs that someone’s self-harming

• They have cuts, bruises or burns which are unexplained. • They wear clothes which keep injuries hidden even when it’s hot outside. Signs that someone is feeling suicidal • They say things like ’I wish I was dead’ or ’I want to go to sleep and never wake up’. • They say they want to be left alone. • They’re drinking more than usual. Action Are you self-harming? • You don’t need to keep it a secret. • Talk to someone you can trust. • Write down in a diary how you feel when you want to self-harm. Is your friend self-harming? • Listen and let them talk. • Encourage them to see someone such as their doctor in order to get some counselling. If you’re feeling suicidal • Don’t worry about the future - just aim to get through today. • Talk to someone you trust. • Avoid alcohol and drugs - they’ll make you feel worse. Worried about a friend or sibling? • Just listen and encourage them to talk about their feelings. • Stay with them and call professional help.


Contacts Wellbeing | 01452 702327 | wellbeing@hartpury.ac.uk Nurse | nurse@hartpury.ac.uk Safeguarding | safeguarding@hartpury.ac.uk Counselling | counselling@hartpury.ac.uk Residential Support Team | 07768 091041

www.ticplus.org.uk www.samaritans.org www.mind.org.uk www.youngminds.org.uk/find-help


It’s okay to not be okay. Depression and anxiety disorders are different, but people with depression often experience symptoms similar to those of an anxiety disorder, such as nervousness, irritability, and problems sleeping and concentrating. Each disorder has its own causes and its own emotional and behavioural symptoms.

Look out for • Loss of interest in pleasure, hobbies and activities • Feeling “slowed down” • Feeling tearful without knowing why • Low self-esteem • Feeling irritable and intolerant • Persistently sad, anxious or empty mood • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness or helplessness • Decreased energy, fatigue • Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism • Thoughts of harming yourself or suicidal thoughts


Action • Be Active – exercise won’t make your stress disappear, but it will reduce some of the emotional intensity that you’re feeling, clearing your thoughts and letting you deal with your problems more calmly. Get those endorphins going to make you feel more positive! • Take control – there’s a solution to any problem. That feeling of loss of control is one of the main causes of stress and lack of wellbeing. The act of taking control is in itself empowering, and it’s a crucial part of finding a solution that satisfies you and not someone else. If you remain passive by thinking, ‘I can’t do anything about my problem’ your stress will get worse. Take control by asking for help. • Connect with people – a good support network of fellow students, friends and family can ease your troubles and help you see things in a different way. The activities we do with friends help us relax. We often have a good laugh with them, which is an excellent stress reliever. • Have some ‘me’ time – we all need to take some time for socialising, relaxation or exercise. • Challenge yourself – setting yourself goals and challenges, such as, learning a new language or a new sport, helps to build confidence. • Avoid unhealthy habits – don’t rely on alcohol, smoking and caffeine as your ways of coping. In the long term, these habits won’t solve your problems. • Help other people – helping people who are often in situations worse than yours will help you put your problems into perspective. Contacts Nurse | nurse@hartpury.ac.uk Counselling | counselling@hartpury.ac.uk Wellbeing | 01452 702327 | wellbeing@hartpury.ac.uk Your Tutor www.actionforhappiness.org Student Assistance Programme (SAP) | 0800 028 3766



03 Stay safe


Going into an internet chatroom is a great way to have fun and make new friends, but you need to be careful. You can’t see or hear the people you talk to in chatrooms and sometimes they lie about who they say they are. They may be a lot older than you for example and they could be lying about their age. Some men or women go to young people’s chatrooms because they want to meet young people on their own to have sex with them, or sexually abuse them. These people can be very dangerous. Being online is like being in the real world - things can happen that are both good and bad. If you are worried or feel uncomfortable about something which is happening online then report your concerns. It may be a conversation which feels wrong or you may feel bul lied or pressurised by the person you are chatting to. Report concerns. Look for the CEOP ‘Report It’ logo. Most sites now display this.


Look out for Here’s how to stay safe in chatrooms • Don’t give away any personal details. • Don’t post your photo in a chatroom. • Use public chatrooms, not private rooms (where there are only two people). • Don’t agree to meet anyone you’ve met in a chatroom. Action Things to do if you think you are in danger • Speak to your tutor. • If you think someone in a chatroom is lying about who they are, email the person who’s in charge of the chatroom. • Warn your friends. • Don’t use that chatroom again. Is your friend in danger? • Tell them not to meet up with anyone they have met in a chatroom. • Support them and encourage them to tell someone about what is happening. Contacts Wellbeing | 01452 702327 | wellbeing@hartpury.ac.uk Your Tutor Residential Support Team | 07768 091041 www.ceop.police.uk


Bullying and harassment at college or university can often be things like constantly being annoyed by someone, name-calling, hitting, happy-slapping or stealing someone’s things. It also includes stuff that’s less visible, like sending abusive texts, emails or spreading false rumours about someone. College and university days are a time when the influence of other students is very important and fitting in is seen as essential. If other students are thought of as different for any reason, they can be picked on and bullied. Being bullied can make you dread going to college or university and can also make you feel depressed, lonely and even suicidal. If you’re being bullied, you might feel that there’s no way out, but there are lots of ways to get help. Remember, it’s not your fault and you have the right to live without being picked on. Don’t feel ashamed or embarrassed to ask for help - it’s important that you tell someone. Bullying is unacceptable but remember, bullies who continually pick on other students need support and help as well.

Hartpury has a zero tolerance on bullying and if you are a victim you should report this to your tutor, a member of the Wellbeing team or the police.


Look out for Signs someone’s being bullied

• They become unhappy or withdrawn. • They start avoiding college or university. • They’ve got physical injuries they don’t want to talk about. Action Are you being bullied? • It probably won’t stop until you tell someone you trust. • Act confidently to send out the message that you’re not afraid. • Stay with others - you’re more likely to be picked on if you’re on your own. • Keep a diary and keep all text messages as evidence of what happens. You can use it later to show you’re telling the truth. Is your friend being bullied? • Speak to your tutor. • Take their worries seriously. • Stick up for them. • They might want you to be with them when they tell their parents / carers, or a tutor they’re being bullied. Contacts Your Tutor Residential Support Team | 07768 091041 Wellbeing | 01452 702327 | wellbeing@hartpury.ac.uk Samaritans | 116 123 | www.samaritans.org WHISPER | Report via our anonymous reporting tool WHISPER by texting HCU1 and your message to 07860021323


Peer pressure is when you think you should do something because other people your age say you should, or because you think everyone else is doing it too. Sometimes people do things because they want to be liked, or they worry that they’ll get teased if they don’t follow the crowd. If you are doing things because your mates are, or changing what you normally do to fit in, then you are being affected by peer pressure. Some of the things you might feel pressure to do now or in the future: • Wear the same clothes as your mates. • Drink alcohol, smoke or take drugs. • Commit a crime. • Change your friends because your other mates don’t like them. • Skip lectures. • Have a boyfriend or girlfriend. • Start having sex. It’s normal to want to fit in with everyone else, but in the end people will respect you more if you learn to make your own decisions. Just because people say they are doing something doesn’t mean that they are. Most young people don’t do things they feel they shouldn’t.


Look out for Signs of peer pressure • People might say ‘Everyone else is doing it, so why aren’t you?’ • Nobody should be made to do anything they don’t want to as they will probably regret it. Action Are you feeling peer pressure? • It’s hard if you’re the only one saying ‘no’, but be brave and follow your instincts. • If your friends want you to do something, ask yourself how you really feel about it and stick to what you believe in. • If you say ‘no’ to something, real friends should respect your decision. If they don’t, maybe you need to find new friends. • It’s better to have a few friends than lots of friends who try and make you do things you don’t want to do. Is a friend of yours feeling peer pressure? • If your friend doesn’t want to do something either, back them up. • This can really help them and it’ll make peer pressure easier to resist. • Help them to make their own choices - they will gain confidence. • Don’t put pressure on your friends. Contacts Your Tutor Residential Support Team | 07768 091041 Nurse | nurse@hartpury.ac.uk Wellbeing | 01452 702327 | wellbeing@hartpury.ac.uk


Being young and studying at college or university is all about having new experiences, but don’t feel pressurised into doing something you feel uncomfortable with. Maybe you’ve started smoking because you’re stressed or you might have tried drugs, like cannabis, because your friends have too. But if you understand how these things affect you, you’ll be able to make informed choices for yourself. Drugs can seriously affect your health and the way you see the world around you. They can lead to depression, loss of judgement and even death. If you are worried that you have a problem or are worried about a friend - talk to someone you trust who can put you in touch with people who can help. Clean Sport - Hartpury was the first institution to achieve the elite level accreditation from the University Accreditation Scheme from the UK Anti-Doping Agency. We have adopted the UK Anti-Doping and World Anti- Doping (WADA) position that cheating, including doping, in sport is fundamentally contrary to the spirit of sport, undermining the otherwise positive impact of sport on society.


Drugs / legal highs Hartpury adheres strictly to the law. The use or storage of drugs paraphernalia, legal highs and illegal drugs including cannabis is not acceptable on campus. Students found in possession of or supplying these substances will be subject to disciplinary procedures. Hartpury has a duty to pass to the police details of any illegal activity occurring on campus. Smoking Smoking is forbidden in ALL halls of residence. This includes e-cigarettes and any form of electronic smoking device. If you wish to smoke, please do so at designated smoking points and dispose of your cigarette butt in an appropriate manner. Smoking of illegal substances is banned and will be treated as serious misconduct. Students are responsible for their guests not smoking in the halls of residence. Students who allow this will be subject to disciplinary action.


Look out for • Drugs affect people differently, but they can harm your body and mind so that you don’t have so much control of yourself. • Smoking can lead to cancer and heart disease. • Solvents can cause blackouts, vomiting, heart problems and even instant death. • Some people get addicted to drugs and cigarettes and can’t cope without them. • Personality disorders can occur even after you stop taking drugs. Action Worried about what you’re taking? • Ask yourself whether it’s because your friends are doing it too. • Say no when you’re offered drugs and other substances, people will think more of you if you make your own choices. Worried about a friend? • Try and get them to see they have a problem and find help. • Often people who take drugs, substances or smoke don’t want to stop. They have to want to change themselves - you can’t do it for them. Contacts Counselling counselling@hartpury. ac.uk Nurse | nurse@hartpury.ac.uk Wellbeing | 01452 702327 | wellbeing@hartpury.ac.uk www.talktofrank.com www.ukna.org


Most people say they drink alcohol because it makes them feel happy and more confident. But alcohol can also give you a hangover and make you feel sick, tired, dehydrated and depressed. It can also make you do things you might regret, like have unprotected sex. Lots of people can enjoy drinking without it causing them any problems, but some people can get addicted to it, which means they start to rely on it.


Alcohol The consumption of alcoholic beverages during the working day is discouraged. The Licensing Act limits the consumption of alcohol on Hartpury premises purchased from a student bar to designated areas such as Legends. Students purchasing alcohol in the student bar must provide proof of age on each occasion in the form of their college/university identity card. Students under the age of 18 are not permitted to purchase, be in possession of, or consume alcohol on Hartpury property. Underage students found purchasing or consuming alcohol will be disciplined and as a result, may be banned from entertainments. Students or guests over the age of 18 who purchase alcohol for underage students will be asked to leave the bar immediately and will be subject to disciplinary procedures. The safe limit for adults is two - three units per day for women and three - four units for men. Alcopops typically contain at least one unit. Two small (125ml) glasses of wine are three units and a pint of normal strength lager or cider contains two units. There is no official safe limit for under 18s.

25ml Spirit = 1 unit

1/2 Pint = 1 unit

125ml Wine = 1½ units


Look out for How much is too much? • If you’re a man, the most you should drink is four units a day. • If you’re a woman, the most you should drink is three units a day. • A unit is half a pint of beer or a single measure of spirits. A small glass of wine is one and a half units. • When you drink more than this in one day, it’s called binge drinking and it’s bad for your health. Action Are you drinking too much? • Are you drinking because you’ve got problems at college, university or at home? Try to solve this without using drink. • Are your friends drinking a lot too? • Remember, it’s okay to say ‘no’. Is your friend drinking too much? • Help them to face the fact that they’ve got a problem and get some help. • Remember that they have to want to change their habits - you can’t do it for them. Contacts Nurse | nurse@hartpury.ac.uk Wellbeing | 01452 702327 | wellbeing@hartpury.ac.uk Drinkline | 0300 123 1110 FRANK | 0300 123 6600 | www.talktofrank.com www.al-anonuk.org.uk


If we respect others it helps us remember to respect ourselves. Positive relationships with friends, family as well as people we come across in our everyday lives are so important. Our friends play an important part in our lives and help shape us as a person. Make sure you value them and let them know you do. The way we treat other people makes a big impression on them, so try to be positive and helpful - a smile goes a long way! Sometimes it is easy to mistake casual sex for love. However, you are putting yourself at risk of STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) as well as getting pregnant. If you have decided you’re ready then practising safe sex by using contraception will reduce the risk of STIs and pregnancy. For the optimum protection using condoms are the best option. Sexting is when someone shares sexual, naked or semi naked images or videos of themselves or others or sends sexually explicit messages. Sexting can be seen as harmless, but creating or sharing explicit images of a child (someone under 18) is illegal. You are at risk of the images being shared without your control and you are opening yourself up to blackmail, bullying and harm. Don’t forget even snapchat photos don’t disappear for ever. Look out for • Feeling pressurised into having sex.

• Putting yourself in a position where you could be taken advantage of e.g. being drunk and unaware. • Feeling uncomfortable in a relationship.


Consent is when someone agrees, gives permission, or says “yes” to sexual activity with other persons. Consent is always freely given and all people in a sexual situation must feel that they are able to say “yes” or “no” or stop

the sexual activity at any point. Signs you should pause and talk:

• You are not sure what the other person wants. • You feel like you are getting mixed signals. • You have not talked about what you both want to do. • You assume that you will do the same things as before. • Your partner stops or is not responsive. • Your partner says no. Non-verbal responses – time to stop: • Pushing away a partner • Recoiling

• Turning head • Frozen body • Nervous / frightened • Wiping off contact • Trying to move away from the situation Action

• Free confidential advice and information are available from the Hartpury Counselling team, the Hartpury Nurse, your tutor, the Wellbeing team and the Sexual Health team. Contacts Safeguarding | safeguarding@hartpury.ac.uk Counselling | counselling@hartpury.ac.uk Nurse | nurse@hartpury.ac.uk Wellbeing | wellbeing@hartpury.ac.uk Sexual Health team via appointment by calling 0300 421 6500 Hope House Gloucester | www.hopehouse.nhs.uk


Is your car safe to drive? This is important to remember as every year Highways England traffic officers deal with more than 85,000 breakdowns on the roads they patrol. Some reminders on what you should be checking: You and your journey • Make sure you are not under the influence of drugs and alcohol – especially if you have been out drinking the night before. • Do you know the route? Tyre tread and pressure • Driving without the correct tread is illegal. • Driving without the correct pressure is dangerous and will affect your braking distance and steering. Fuel level • Make sure you have enough for your journey. Oil level • It is important that you regularly check your oil as it protects your engine. Water level • Always keep your windscreen screen wash topped up – lack of visibility is very dangerous. Lights • Always check they are all working as they are essential for other drivers to be able to see you and for you to see where you are going.


Some top tips for safe driving: • Keep your mobile phone out of reach so you are not tempted to call or text. • Don’t use your mobile phone unless it is handsfree • Keep to the speed limit. • Resist peer pressure – you can do this by not having too many passengers – particularly ones that have been drinking. • Don’t show off by driving too fast. • Maintain safe space between you and other drivers. • Don’t tailgate or allow others to tailgate you. Please note that driving dangerously or erratically around campus will lead to discipline which will lead to your car being banned from campus and police informed. Music and driving: As an auditory distraction, music reduces driver attention on the road. There is evidence that the more complex/ loud the music is, the greater the distraction. A female participant in research who listened to hip hop in her car drove more aggressively than any other driver. This included faster acceleration and last minute braking. Meanwhile playing heavy metal caused a male driver to drive much faster than the other participants. You might think listening to classical music would be calming but the experiment showed that not always to be the case. Both a male and female driver listening to classical music drove more erratically than those not listening to any music at all.

www.think.direct.gov.uk www.brake.org.uk www.rospa.com


PREVENT is part of the UK’s counter terrorism strategy, preventing people from becoming involved in or supporting terrorism. At the heart of PREVENT is safeguarding people and communities and providing early intervention to protect and divert people from being drawn into terrorism and extremism. All colleges and universities have a duty of care to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism” under Section 26 of the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015. At Hartpury we have embraced this duty incorporating PREVENT within our safeguarding policies and providing staff and student training.

The PREVENT agenda Radicalisation is a process through which an individual changes from passiveness or activism to become more revolutionary, militant or extremist, especially where there is intent towards, or support for, violence. Should you have any concerns please contact the Residential Safeguarding Manager / PREVENT Lead.


Look out for If someone is at risk of being radicalised they might: • Talk positively about dangerous groups or people who promote hate, or make it seem like these groups are ok. • Spend time with people or on websites that promote violence, hate, racism, homophobia or islamophobia. • Become secretive and not want to talk to anyone about where they spend time or what they’re doing online. • Refuse to talk to people from a certain country or who have a different sexuality or belief. • Be rude, aggressive or violent towards a particular group of people, for example, Jewish, Muslim or gay people or someone who supports a certain political party. Action • Speak to Darryl Hill, PREVENT Lead, or a member of staff as soon as possible. • Call the police on 999 if someone is in immediate danger. Otherwise call the police on 101. Contacts Darryl Hill, Head of Residential Support 01452 702131 | 07966 901530


WHISPER reporting tool Have you experienced harassment and want to report it? If you have a problem or concern on site at Hartpury or at home, you can report it using our WHISPER reporting tool. You can report anonymously or if you wish to have support, add your details and a member of our team will be in touch to help.

Text HCU1 and your message to 07860021323

Scan the QR code using your smart phone to visit the Hartpury reporting page


Staying safe on and off campus

Hartpury is a great place to live and study and is very safe with a low crime rate. Obviously nowhere is crime free but is avoidable if our students take some simple precautions. Our Residential Support Team is on campus 24/7. If you are worried about anything just call them on 07768 091041. Their office is based above Leg ends if you need to chat.


Tips for keeping safe when out and about. • Whilst on campus wear your lanyard at all times. • Do not let others tailgate you into your block. • Stick to well-lit and well used areas. Do not take short cuts through dark and remote alleyways, parks or wasteland. Walk briskly and with confidence. Walk along the pavement facing oncoming traffic but keep back from the curb. Keep clear of recesses such as doorways. • Where possible, go out in a group and come home in a group. Always have a friend with you . • Be alert to your surroundings. Don’t walk along whilst chatting on your mobile phone or with earphones in. Keep your valuables out of sight and have a discreet ring tone on your mobile phone and keep it fully charged at all times. • If you have concerns about a group of people or a particular situation, keep away. • Be especially vigilant when taking money out at cash dispensers. • Carry your bag close to you with the clasp facing inwards. Carry your keys in your pocket. If someone attempts to grab your property let it go. • If you think you are being followed check by crossing the street. If you are worried go to the nearest place where there are other people and call the police. Do not use a phone box. • Excess alcohol will blur your judgement and senses and make you more vulnerable. • Keep a watch on your drink and don’t accept drinks from people you don’t know well. Ask a friend to watch your drink if you have to leave it for a moment. • Carry a personal attack alarm. However, do not rely on an alarm to alert help. You still need to keep yourself safe • Be wary of meeting anyone on your own if you don’t know them well. • Only carry enough cash and credit cards for your immediate needs. • Download the ‘Hollie Guard’ app – it’s free to download and has a whole host of security features on it to keep you safe including a tracking system and alarm with flashing light. • Report via our anonymous reporting tool WHISPER by texting HCU1 and your message to 07860021323


04 Making a positive contribution


Having a disability could mean you are unable to do some of the things that other people can do. You may face more challenges but life can still be as fun and full of personal achievement. Being a young person can be a tough time, sometimes it’s even harder with a disability. Everyone wants to fit in and it can be easy to feel you are alone. Remember you don’t have to go it alone - there’s loads of support out there for you. Up until now, your parents have probably made all your decisions - now you may be able to start to make some choices for yourself. A good education can improve your chances later in life, education is important for everyone. Just because you have a disability of some sort does not mean you can’t live a full and exciting life. Aim high and you’ll achieve.


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