Hartpury Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

3.1 The individual In this section we consider attitudes and behaviours, how we support the individual with skills development, and personal development planning.

There is more information about technology acceptance in agriculture and an assessment tool available. Tip to take away Signpost learners to knowledge exchange activities to influence attitudes to new agricultural technology.

Personal attitudes and behaviours

Attitudes shape behaviours, and behaviours shape performance.

The attitude of individuals to technology has been a subject of research over the years and one theory, the Technology Acceptance Model (Davies, 1989) is relevant to any new idea or technology. It identifies two factors that shape an individual’s attitude to technology and their behaviour: the perceived usefulness of something and the perceived ease of its use. The word ‘perceived’ is important here. Not only must the reality ring true on both the usefulness and the ease of use, but people must have knowledge and understanding of both to inform their perceptions. This is where knowledge exchange and learning opportunities play a big role. Knowledge exchange does not just increase awareness of new ideas and technology, good knowledge exchange closes the gap between perception and the reality.


Find the tool here


Acceptance of technology

Perceived usefulness



Perceived ease of use


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Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

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