Hartpury Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

The development context



Before we explore digital skills and an individual’s development it is important to consider the wider context. Think of a jigsaw with three pieces which, when taken together, give us the whole picture. There is the individual, their job and the wider organisation. The individual. It starts with the people. For the individual, we consider their attitudes and behaviours, and acceptance of new ideas and tasks. We also consider their digital skills proficiency and areas for development. We then bring this together into a development plan that takes account of learning style preferences and the sources of learning available. The job. Next, we explore the job and its nature. The tasks and responsibilities in the job description and how these may evolve with the adoption of new technology. The organisation. Lastly, we consider the organisation. The business plan priorities and goals, the technology and people resources available to it, and the organisation’s innovation culture and mindset.





In the next sections we explore the three jigsaw pieces in more detail.

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Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

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