Hartpury Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

Introduction to our framework

In the foreword to our framework, NFU Deputy President Tom Bradshaw has highlighted the challenges for our times: profitability, the environment, better resource use and the necessary skills to exploit new developments. Farmers and growers have a long tradition of adaptation and adoption of new technology. From the invention of the plough to drones and satellite imaging, progress is relentless. Digital technology and applications are already at the centre of our working lives. To make the most of the opportunities they present our agri-food industry will need people with the right digital skills to lead, manage and perform everyday tasks in our businesses. As adoption of new innovations increases, so the unit cost of inventions will decrease to become reachable for more farmers and growers. No longer will progress be led by the big, with the small left behind. More likely, fortune will increasingly favour those who adopt new ways of working with technology.


"...fortune will increasingly favour those who adopt new ways of working with technology."

Matt Bell Professor and Director of Agriculture Hartpury University and Hartpury College

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Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

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