Hartpury Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

3.2 The job In this section we consider the job element in our jigsaw. Technological advances usually impact positively across different activities and levels of responsibility within a business. They require changes to tasks and responsibilities of staff. In other instances a change to structure may be necessary, maybe more staff or a new team structure. Within any organisation there are people who lead, manage and do. Most roles have a mix of these elements, to a greater or lesser degree. In agriculture, often the farmer does all three. Everything is connected. This diagram shows responsibilities across three themes: lead , manage , do . It is important to consider the wider skills requirement of technological changes in the business beyond training the operator. Leaders and managers may require new knowledge to analyse and interpret unfamiliar data, or make decisions.

Vision and goals Strategy development and planning Monitoring and evaluation Governance and compliance Data and insight for informed decisions


Do Manage

Delivery of strategy and plans Monitor performance Record keeping and reporting Finance and staffing

Completion of tasks Meeting quality standards Productivity and performance

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Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

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