Hartpury Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

Our starting point is an assessment of the individual’s digital skills in the context of what will be needed in the job. Assessment by another person, usually a manager, alongside a self-assessment is good practice. The two can then be compared for a richer insight into skill levels. Sometimes people under-estimate their skill levels and the process can boost confidence as well as identify areas for development. From this analysis will emerge themes and specific areas to develop. Key to any skills assessment exercise is to be specific and set priorities for development activities, particularly when time and other resources are limited. It is important to ask which of the development needs will have most impact, which should be addressed first? It is important that the learner has buy-in to the plan. Experience tells us that the more specific the action plan is, the more likely it will be progressed. Let’s close this section with an acknowledgement that personal development planning is fluid. Some things will work and some will not, events may overtake you. Remember to use the exercise as a learning activity too. As with everything else we do in education and farming, plan, do and then review.

There is more information about personal development planning with a template tool available. Tip to take away Introduce students to the personal development planning activity they may expect in employment.

Name: Jane


Find the resources here


Personal Development Plan

How it will be addresssed



Development need

Attend one day course at Hartpury Take an Advanced Excel course online

Know how to fly the new drone Able to import data and analyse it in spreadsheets



Book a meeting with the farm accountant

Know how to add budget in accounting software

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Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

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