Hartpury Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

The activist. I want to try it.

The reflector. I want time to think about it. The learner likes to stand back to think about ideas and experiences. They learn best gathering information and thinking about a topic in depth before acting. The pragmatist. I want to see a practical solution. The learner likes searching for, and trying out ideas

Learners are open-minded and are usually enthusiastic about something new. They learn best when there are new experiences, and they are allowed to have a go.

Tips to take away Consider a mix of learning content and activities to suit all learning style preferences. Make time to assess your personal learning style preferences, and those of colleagues you manage. Ask training providers how their delivery will match your preferences and those of colleagues you manage.

The theorist. I want to understand the system. The learner likes to understand the principles behind ideas and think through problems in a logical way. They learn best when they feel intellectually stretched and in structured situations.

that work in practice. They learn best when

practical advantages are demonstrated and there is support from a credible expert.

Learn from your learning. Reflect on your experiences, what worked well and less well?


Find out more about learning styles here


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Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

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