Hartpury College Prospectus
Hartpury College is home to over 1,600 under-18-year-old students. Over 700 live in comfortable halls on campus. The others travel in to us each day.
Our campus wardens work seven days a week to ensure the welfare and safety of everyone on the campus, with a particular focus on residential students under the age of 18. Living in on campus accommodation is a brilliant way of meeting new friends and gaining confidence and independence. There are a variety of events and activities held throughout the week and the Heroes Common Room offers a social space to relax with your friends. You’ll also have access to sports facilities including a gym, library, Red & Black Costa café, the Equine Arena restaurant and Graze restaurant, where a wide variety of good value hot meals, snacks and refreshments are available during the day.
For more detailed information including virtual tours of blocks and prices, please visit www.hartpury.ac.uk/college-accommodation
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