Student and Parent forums Our forums focus on key information outside of your chosen course. Our talks from ambassadors, alumni and our support team have been designed to give you the knowledge and confidence to make important decisions, and provide answers to any questions you may have. Life at Hartpury: Student Q&A Location: MDC4 1.30pm / 2.30pm / 3.30pm Hear from current students about their experiences. They’ll outline our range of clubs and societies, as well as give you the lowdown on the surrounding area and settling into university. Find out everything you need to know

Please note that these are repeat sessions, you are not expected to attend all three.

Learning support services at Hartpury Location: MDC5 11.30am

Learn about the wider support available at Hartpury, the role of ASC, the importance of early disability declaration and getting support arranged before starting at university, as well as details on Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA).

Meeting our graduates: Hartpury Alumni Location: MDC4 Sport and Business Management: 10am Animal, Equine and Veterinary Nursing: 11.45am

Get direct insights from Hartpury alumni on their degrees. Find out how they studied, life during and after their time at Hartpury, and how our students graduate ready to move into successful careers or further study.


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