Improving understanding of animal psychology and welfare practice

Exploring equine anatomical symmetry and the link to performance, health and welfare Dr. Kirsty Lesniak Programme Manager and Senior Lecturer MSc Applied Equine Science, MRes Equestrian Science Expertise : Equine anatomical symmetry and performance

Dr. Ben Brilot Programme Manager, MSc Applied Animal Behaviour andWelfare Expertise : Animal psychology and emotional states



Improving ethical decision-making for human-animal relationships

Among the UK’s leading veterinary physiotherapists

Dr. Chris Pawson Senior Lecturer, MRes Anthrozoology Expertise : Human and animal behaviour

Dr. Gillian Tabor Programme Manager and Senior Lecturer, MSc Veterinary Physiotherapy Expertise : ACPAT Veterinary Physiotherapist



Influencing national animal welfare policy and practice

A leading global equine physiology and rehabilitation expert

Dr. Wanda McCormick Animal and Agriculture Head of Department

Associate Professor, Kathryn Nankervis Research Centre Lead, Equestrian Performance Expertise : Water treadmill exercise and rehabilitation

Expertise : Physiological impacts of welfare challenges in captive animals



Designing sustainable farming models to optimise productivity

Collaborating on projects to advance equine health and performance

Professor Matt Bell Director of Agriculture Expertise : Sustainable agri-food systems and enterprise

Dr. Russell MacKechnie-Guire Reader in Equine Biomechanics Expertise : Horse-saddle-rider interaction and spinal kinematics



Discover more Simply search for the relevant name in our academic research hub to read the biographies of the experts you’ll be learning from. http:/ hartpury.pure.elsevier.com

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