- Long riding boots (rubber or leather) or smooth leather gaiters (not suede) with matching jodhpur boots (black or brown) - Schooling whip (Equitation students only, maximum length 30”) - Jumping whip (Equitation students only) - Wristwatch - One pair of yard boots for non-riding practical sessions (optional, as an alternative to riding boots) - If asthmatic, dust mask required - Waterproof trousers and wellington boots (optional but highly recommended) - Mane comb, hoof pick and rubber plaiting bands (all students) Please note, you’re not permitted on the yard wearing any form of jewellery (except a wedding ring) due to safety guidelines. This includes all piercings, which must not be covered. Daith piercings must be authorised before admission onto the yard. Sports courses Visit www.hartpuryshop.com to order your Hartpury kit from Elite Pro Sports. Level 2 Extended Certificate in General Sport/Specialist Sport, Level 3 Extended Diploma in Sport and Exercise Science and Level 3 Foundation Diploma / Extended Diploma Sport (Fitness) and (PE and Coaching) will also need: - Tracksuit - Outdoor and indoor sports footwear - Kit bag - Waterproof clothing - Shorts - Polo shirt - Water bottle - Whistle (Level 3 Foundation / Extended Diploma Sport (Fitness) and (PE and Coaching) only) - Football boots for use on rubber crumb surfaces † Level 3 Foundation / Extended Diploma Sport (Rugby) will also need: - Rugby boots and indoor footwear - Protective equipment e.g. gum shield, head guard and shoulder padding - Boots for use on rubber crumb surfaces †
Level 3 Foundation / Extended Diploma Sport (Football) will also need: - Football boots and indoor footwear - Shin pads - Football boots for use on rubber crumb surfaces † Level 3 Foundation / Extended Diploma Sport (Golf) will also need: - Most recent Rules of Golf book - Set of golf clubs - Golf bag - Golf shoes (two pairs) - Golf umbrella - Waterproof clothing - Appropriate golf clothing for practicals Outdoor Activities and Uniformed Protective Services, all courses Visit www.hartpuryshop.com to order your Hartpury kit from Elite Pro Sports. - Wetsuit boots or old trainers to use for water activities - Waterproof jacket and trousers - Thermal fleece top † Please note that rubber-studded boots must be worn on the rubber crumb pitches when taking part in practical and sports sessions. Trainers and flat-soled shoes are not to be worn on the pitches. If inappropriate footwear is worn, you will not be able to take part in the activity. *BSEN1384 hat standards (on their own) won’t be permitted due to regulation changes. Students who wish to take British Horse Society examinations in addition to their main programme will need to adhere to BHS Exams Dress Code. BHS exam training and fees are at an additional cost. - Walking boots - Day rucksack - Sports shorts - Sports shirts - Running trainers
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