boots and gaiters - Long woollen socks (shooting socks) - Checked shirts - Moleskin trousers / breeks (tweed breeks / plus fours can also be worn for shoot days) - Warm hat and gloves - Overalls to stay at college for biosecurity reasons Animal courses Visit www.hartpury.ac.uk/shop and follow the link to JS Teamwear to order your kit. - One pair of wellington boots with steel toe caps (safety wellies) and / or one pair of steel toe-capped ankle boots (safety boots) - Black waterproof coat - We would recommend the purchase of both items of footwear to prepare you for working indoors and outdoors in a range of terrain conditions - Black lab coat for use in the animal collection Equine courses Visit www.hartpury.ac.uk/shop and follow the link to JS Teamwear to order your kit. - Black Hartpury jacket or black Hartpury winter coat (all students) - Red polo shirts with Hartpury logo (all students, minimum of two) - Gloves suitable for riding and stable management (all students) - Hairnet (for riding sessions where hair is longer than shoulder length) For all riding and / or practical yard sessions - British Standard approved skull cap (PAS015+kitemark, SNELL E2001 or E2016, or ASTM F1163+SEI mark) with navy or black hat silk (all students)* - Body protector (correctly fitted) to BETA 2009 Level 3 only (Equitation students only) - Navy (not denim), black, grey or beige jodhpurs / breeches for all riding
All courses Students on all courses should make sure they have the following items: - Notebook - Writing paper (A4 size) - Loose-leaf binder (preferably lever arch) - One pack of file dividers - Pens, pencils, ruler, eraser, pencil sharpener - Calculator (statistical) - One pack multi-punched pockets - Coloured pencils - Laptop or tablet – check our guidance for minimum laptop specification www.hartpury.ac.uk/laptop-guidance Don’t worry if you don’t have one, we
have loan laptops available. Email studentfinance@hartpury.ac.uk
Course-specific kit A-levels -
A4 lever arch files (at least two per subject) File dividers (at least four packs of 10)
- - -
Rough work spiral bound notebook Highlighters (pack of at least five different colours) Scientific calculator (depending on your subject)
Agriculture / FarmMechanisation / Land-based Engineering courses Visit www.hartpury.ac.uk/shop and follow the link to JS Teamwear to order your kit. - Green gilet (optional) - Leather boots with steel toe caps - Wellington boots with steel toe caps - Waterproof coat and leggings - Two pairs of working overalls / boiler suits to stay at college for biosecurity reasons
Countryside and Gamekeeping courses - Strong waterproof coat and trousers / leggings - Leather boots with steel toe caps - Leather working gloves - Wellington boots / walking
sessions. Black / dark fitted jeans for working horses from the ground, ground schooling and yard practical sessions with sensible yard boots
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