Wellbeing at Hartpury 2021

Look out for • Nobody is putting pressure on you and most young people wait until they are at least 16 before they have sex, even if they say different! • You’re not doing it because you think all your friends are. • Make sure you respect everyone you come into contact with. Action • Free, confidential advice, information and contraceptives are available from the Hartpury Nurse, GUM (Genito-Urinary Medicine) clinics, some young people’s sexual health clinics and doctors. • If you’ve had sex without contraception, or think it’s failed, you can take emergency contraception up to five days after having unprotected sex. The sooner you take it the more effective it will be. Contact the Hartpury Nurse. • If you think you might be pregnant, talk to someone you trust. Free pregnancy testing is available from the Hartpury Nurse, at all young people’s sexual health clinics, GUM clinics and some doctors. Contacts Hartpury Nurse | 01452 702174 Your doctor www.brook.org.uk www.nhs.uk You can make an appointment by calling Hope House on 0300 421 6500 who will give you a time for you to see the NHS Sexual Health Nurse. Staunton and Corse Surgery are also running a sexual health clinic every Friday from 2pm . You will have to call 01452 840228 to make an appointment and arrange your own transport as Hartpury cannot provide this service. www.hopehouse.nhs.uk


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