Useful contacts

Three Counties Equine Hospital +44 (0) 1684 592099 Local Farriers Lewis Parr - 07854 706080 Nick Partridge - 07785 905139 Steve Hinton - 07581 140635 Sam Phelps - 07795 472348

Local Tack Shops / Saddlers / Suppliers / Feed - 0131 443 0491 - 01452 863000 Tough Mutts County Pet Supplies - 01452 840441 New Hunt Horses - 01452 830441 Stroud Farm Services - 01453 886189 Pioneer Feed & Country Store - 01531 635272 Local Horse Transport Gloucestershire Horse Transport - 01285 656600 JP Roberts Horse Transport - 07721 488754 Fernyhough Horse Box hire - 07794 398977 Phillip Smith Maxwell (horse ambulance) - 01905 391206

This Livery Guide was produced in September 2020 and represents the facilities as they are at this time. Please check the website for the most up-to-date information. Thank you to Jasmine Punter and Izabela Motyl for their contirbution to the photography in this booklet.

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