Hartpury Univeristy International Guide 1 2021
Asafe and peaceful campus As a small university, we offer a welcoming and friendly environment. You’ll be living in one of the top three safest places in the UK, and studying in 360 hectares of beautiful, rural grounds. Althoughwe’re not far from major cities and towns, our corner of Gloucestershire provides space and security to help you settle into a new way of life. Secure on-site accommodation We have halls of residence on campus for those who want to sleep as well as study in our lovely grounds. All our campus residences have 24-hour wardens so there is always someone on hand to help if you need them. Adedicatedwellbeing team Our StudentWellbeing team includes qualified counsellors, nurses and wellbeing officers to provide guidance when you need it; the teamwill also register youwith a local doctor. Every Wednesdaywe run activities to help you stay healthy and happy, including sessions with our much-loved therapy dogs, Ralph and Bailey. Learning support You’ll be assigned an academic tutor to support you in your studies. If you need extra advice on getting to grips with studying in the UK, the team at the Achievement and Success Centre (ASC) can make a big difference. They run Study Skills workshops, and offer advice and guidance on a whole range of subjects, from academic writing and referencing to revision and overcoming examination nerves. Supportwith specific needs For students with learning differences, such as dyslexia or dyspraxia, a physical or sensory impairment, or a medical or developmental condition – we’re here to help. Let us know about your individual needs in advance and our experts will ensure you have the help you need from day one.
Helpingyou access the career youwant Whatever job you have in mind, the Innovation, Careers and Enterprise (ICE) teamwill use their expertise to secure your dream job. Through workshops, one-to-one coaching and other events they’ll help you stay informed and inspired. The team has excellent connections for findingwork placements and can even support you to launch your own business while you’re a student. See page 26 for more on careers.
Beforeyou arrive at Hartpury , you’ll receive a guide full of useful information. It contains advice on booking flights, what to bring, arriving at Hartpury, settling in and more!
Whenyou arrive, make sureyou come along to ourwelcome event for international students. It’s a great way to make friends and pick up tips about living and learning in the UK. Top 3 Gloucestershire is in the top three safest places to live in the UK according to the Office For National Statistics (2019)
The Students’ Union isYOUR union The Student’s Union is where many of our students connect with like-minded people and find new friends. When you enrol, you’ll automatically become a member of the Students’ Union, alongside almost 4,000 other Hartpury students. The SU offers a range of sports clubs and societies; visit hsu. unioncloud.org to see more details. Adedicated International team As an international student, you’ll have a dedicated support team to give you all the advice you need even before you arrive. The International teamworks with students from outside the UK on a wide range of issues, including visa and immigration, finance, and employment. They offer drop-in sessions so you have easy access to the support you need.
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