Hartpury Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

Using the framework

In this document we lay out the big picture for digital skills in agriculture and provide a reference model for assessing job requirements, personal proficiency and development planning. It is a practical resource with tips and links to tools.

Objectives of our framework The framework has a wide application for colleges and universities, other training providers, professional support services, technology suppliers, as well as farmers and growers.

The objectives are to:

Inform the review and development of curricula at colleges, universities and other learning providers.

Look for the Toolbox to find out more .

Provide a language and structure for digital capabilities to facilitate a common understanding and discussion across the industry.



Help farmers and growers assess the digital capabilities in their businesses and develop these further.

We hope that others in supporting roles and organisations will also find the framework useful in their work and planning.

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Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

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