Hartpury Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

5. References and more information


As technology advances in agriculture so too do the terms and language we use to share ideas and communicate. New things need new names too. Our toolbox has a glossary with many of the digital and technology terms referred to the framework and used in the industry.

This framework draws on work of others. Here are references and sources for more information:

Australian Agricultural Workforce Digital Capability Framework . Training and curricula handbook for education and training providers produced by CRDC.

Skills and Competency Framework . A research report by the Centre for Digital Built Britain.

DigComp 2.2 - The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens . A Science for Policy report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s science and knowledge service.

New Skills For Digital Farming . A report from an EIP-AGRI seminar.

Find the glossary here

Developing Digital Capability: An Organisational Framework . A report by Jisc.

Essential Digital Skills Framework. A UK Government report.

Diffusion of Innovation , Everett M. Rogers (1962)

The Fourth Industrial Revolution , Klaus Schwab (2016)

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Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

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