Hartpury Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

Digital skills standards (Learning outcomes)

Creating content D I am able to use digital technology to produce reports and presentations. D I am able to create content to communicate effectively using different digital media. Sharing information D I am able to use a range of digital and online collaboration platforms and services. D I am able to share and exchange ideas, knowledge and experiences with others about technological developments. Media choice D I am able to assess options and select the most appropriate and effective digital communication technology for my purpose. Networking with others D I am able to identify groups, networks and events that will inform me about technological developments which are relevant to my work. D I am able to participate and collaborate in groups, networks and events, both online and in-person, about technological developments. Responsible communication D I am able to adapt my digital-based communication to audiences with different levels of subject knowledge and experience. D I am aware of, and comply with, social rules and expected behaviours when communicating in a digital environment. D I understand the importance of inclusion and accessibility for all when communicating in a digital environment.

Communicate and collaborate Working and sharing with others digitally. Today, much of our communication takes place using digital technology: social media, messaging groups, emails, online meetings. These technologies allow us to work and share with others even when farms and agricultural activities are located remotely. Digital tools help us work collaboratively with others, sharing resources, data and knowledge. Social networks allow us to contribute to and access a wide resource of knowledge, expertise and support. As we make the most of this contact with others, we must follow the ‘netiquette’ of social norms, boundaries and behaviours. It is also important that communication is accessible to all.

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Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

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