Hartpury Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

Digital skills standards (Learning outcomes)

Device security D I am able to assess risks and take measures to secure and protect digital devices from theft and physical damage. D I am able to assess cybersecurity and other risks to digital content and technology. D I am able to take appropriate actions to protect digital content and technology. Data management D I understand and am able to follow policies and procedures for data back-up and security. D I am able to dispose of data safely and securely. Privacy and protection D I understand how to use and share personal data in ways that protect myself and others. D I understand the requirements of privacy and data protection legislation and what compliance means for my work. Content compliance D I understand how copyright and licences for digital content are relevant and used in my work. Health and wellbeing D I understand the physical risks associated with the use of digital devices and how to keep myself and others safe. D I understand the importance of balancing the use of digital technology and online environments for my wellbeing and that of others.

Safe and legal Protecting data, people and your organisation.

Digital technologies bring many benefits, but also come with risks. The protection of data, people and an organisation is usually just common sense; we identify the things that could go wrong and take proportionate steps to address them. Technological devices must be used safely and protected from theft or damage. It is important to understand how to protect our devices and ourselves from cyber-attack, to store data securely and to comply with legislation and the business policies regarding data privacy. We must also be aware of the impact of digital technologies on wellbeing and social inclusion and be alert to the risks to ourselves and those around us.

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Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

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