Hartpury Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

Digital skills standards (Learning outcomes)

Identify opportunities D I am able to use technology to evaluate business processes and identify improvement opportunities. D I am able to assess digital skills and plan personal development. Generate options D I am able to identify potential technological solutions to address business improvement opportunities. D I am able to use technology to research and generate solutions for business improvement. Evaluate options D I am able to use technology to critically assess the business case for different options. D I am able to assess technological solutions, their benefits to the business and resource implications. D I am able to select an optimal technological solution from options evaluated. Plan and implement D I am able to prepare a plan to implement new technological solutions. D I am able to use technology to help me plan improvement projects and monitor implementation. Review results D I am able to review the implementation of a new digital technology. D I am able to use technology to help me review the success and impact of improvement changes.

Innovate and improve Researching and developing new ideas and opportunities. Progress is not possible without change. The adoption of digital technology might be transformational for a business, breaking new ground to redefine what is offered. Or we may seek to improve what we already do using digital technology. Technology can be used to evaluate our current systems, to identify areas for improvement and to assist us in finding innovative ways to improve. By keeping ourselves informed of the latest developments and technological advancements we can be ready to adopt appropriate technologies to improve the efficiency and productivity of our business.

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Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

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