Hartpury Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

Data and insight Gathering and interpreting business information.

Digital skills standards (Learning outcomes)

Search D I am able to define my business data needs correctly. D I am able to carry out searches using digital technology. Collect D I am able to gather data from different sources in the business. D I am able to collate data into a usable format. Evaluate D I am able to assess the reliability, limitations and relevance of business data. D I am able to analyse and interpret business data. Report D I am able to extract insights from business data. D I am able to present insights from data to others in an accessible way. Organise D I am able to organise business data for storage and retrieval. D I am able to manage business data ensuring it is secure and relevant.

We are surrounded by data, it’s what we do with it that will make a difference in business.

Data drives the management cycle in every business. We use insight from data to inform decisions and create plans. We take action and then we review data again for fresh insight on progress and impact. This review leads on to more informed decision making and plans; and so the cycle continues. Data must be accurate, relevant, and timely. It needs to be organised and stored in a secure environment in line with the business’s policies, as well as the relevant legislation.

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Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

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