Hartpury Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

Business planning and digital technology

Firstly, it is important to understand the business context for digital technology and the skills required to use it. Let’s consider the big business plan questions. What is the vision for the future, and the strategy to achieve it? What are the priorities and goals that emerge? In our diagram, the priorities shape business goals and from these we identify the resources required. We consider two types of resources. Firstly, the technology, it may be a tablet, or a drone, or new accountancy software. Secondly, we consider the people required to make things happen; the structure and skills required. Lastly, we identify the sources of support available across both the technology and people elements. This includes the technology suppliers, IT support services as well as sources of training, networks with knowledge and experience of adopting new technology and ways of working.

Priorities The key business opportunities and challenges to address.

Goals The goals (or objectives) that relate to priorities for the business.

Vision and strategy

Technology Identify the right technological solution. Upgrade of existing technology, acquiring new technology.

People Do the priorities require a change to staff structure? What skills, knowledge and behaviours are required.

Digital resources

Suppliers and learning Technology solutions and suppliers. Technological advice and maintenance support. Access to universities, colleges and other training providers. Availability of expertise and networks for knowledge exchange.

Sources of support

Tip to take away Introduce students to business planning approaches and practice to provide context for new technology and skills required.

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Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

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