Hartpury Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

Tips to take away Consider the skills requirement across the wider team or organisation when new technology is introduced. Support students to develop and demonstrate their digital skills in job search and recruitment.

Here are a few questions that may arise as digital technology is introduced in a business:

Do we need to update job descriptions to reflect new tasks, duties and responsibilities?

Do our job adverts include references to digital technology and the exciting opportunities for an applicant?

How will we assess attitudes to digital technology and digital skills proficiency during selection and interviews?

Colleges and universities, and other training providers have a role to play in preparing students and young people for a world of work with digital technologies. In Section 4, our reference model highlights areas for students to develop in readiness for work. It also flags the digital skills that applicants should demonstrate to prospective employers; to show how they fit the requirements of the job.

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Digital Skills Framework in Agriculture

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