Your Enrolment Pack is here

Before you arrive at Hartpury College for your enrolment, it’s important that you complete the following steps now. You’ll find more detailed information inside your pack.

Read this Enrolment Pack It includes details about what you need to do now and on GCSE results day, the forms you need to fill in, and what to bring to enrolment. Fill in your forms Visit our website to download, print and fill in your forms. Tick them off using your checklist on page 10. Post your finance form back to us now. Bring the rest of your completed forms to enrolment. www.hartpury.ac.uk/comingtohartpury Apply for your transport You must apply for Hartpury transport (if you want to use it) before you get here. Visit our website to download the form and send it back to us as soon as possible. www.hartpury.ac.uk/college-transport Add key dates to your diary Find your term dates on pages 11-12 and start planning your year ahead.

Make any payments Fill in your Direct Debit form or make payments online. Find more details on page 5.

Prepare your documents Bring your completed forms, proof of exam results* and proof of ID to your enrolment. Buy any new kit or clothing Check the kit list for your course on pages 13-16 and place your order as soon as you can.

*We recognise the difficult circumstances due to Covid-19. However, you’ll still receive proof of results from your school, which you'll need to bring to your enrolment. 1

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