Horses at Hartpury
Equestrian Club Take advantage of recreational riding and social events through our student-run Equestrian Club.** It’s a great place to meet like-minded friends and horse lovers outside of your classroom lectures. Other smaller clubs include our Vaulting Society, Polo, and more. Improving your riding For those of you with your own horse, you can engage in lessons, clinics, and on site competitions. If you're an established rider without your own horse, you could have riding lessons on our Hartpury horses during term time. There are also plenty of riding options locally, catering for beginners to advanced riders. Riding for competition If you’re a competition rider with your own horse, you may be eligible to join our Equine Academy. You’ll have access to world-class coaches, specialist training, and some of the world's best rider performance facilities to help you reach your peak for competition. Its not just about riding The equestrian industry is far more than riding. You could volunteer in our world leading Equine Therapy Centre or within our Equine Events team. You'll gain practical skills in a real-world environment – and it could even lead to future employment.
If you love horses, you don't need to bring your own to get involved with fun equestrian activities. From our student-led club to volunteering in our Equine Therapy Centre or at local, national, or international events, there's much more to horses at Hartpury than just riding.* However, if you do want to ride every day, you'll need to consider livery and bringing your own horse with you. Livery We offer 150 stables for on-site DIY student livery within our Equine Centre. We also have great partnerships with local livery yards. Livery students can take advantage of a number of benefits including friendly and expert advice from the yard team, instructors, farriers, and on-site vets, as well as access to competitions and many of our world-class facilities.
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Explore our student livery
Apply for livery from 2 April 2024
*Riding at Hartpury is subject to a riding assessment and weight limit **Additional cost applies for riding. Please check our website for the most up-to-date information at www.hartpury.ac.uk/uni-riding
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