Explore British wildlife, Gloucestershire
Experience a range of British habitats and species through a series of five day trips across our stunning county. You’ll develop field surveying techniques, carry out biodiversity indexes, land/river surveys, and riffle water quality assessments.
Animal trips Gain experience in the field
Depending on your degree*, you could take up the incredible opportunity to undertake field trips and gain further first-hand experience locally, across
the UK, or overseas. Mankwe Wildlife Reserve, South Africa
This once-in-a-lifetime 12-day residential trip includes exciting safaris and conservation based fieldwork on the plains of South Africa. You’ll gain insights into important issues such as anti-poaching and discover the methods used to protect highly targeted wildlife species. Slapton Ley National Nature Reserve, South Devon This stunning coastal landscape is a haven for nature lovers. Across a six-day residential trip, you’ll discover and study a diverse range of birds, small mammals and invertebrates in their natural habitats, and develop applied research skills for your future.
*Subject to numbers. Additional fees apply. See our website for details.
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