Your Students’ Union When you enrol, you will automatically become a member of the Hartpury Students’ Union. With nearly 4,500 members, the Students’ Union is your hub for connecting with like-minded people and getting involved in activities, sports and hobbies. You will also find information about volunteering and paid jobs. Our current clubs range from from Equestrian Club, Green Leaders, and LGBTQ+, to Gaming Group, Polo and many more. We also have a International society for all students from outside the UK! There is something to interest everyone. While some of our students take their sport all the way to elite levels of performance through our Sports Academies, Hartpury is also a great place to play for fun. Many students widen their social circles through Hartpury Active, our dedicated programme for enjoying physical activity and recreational sport on a casual basis.

Missing home Homesickness is something that many students moving away from home for the first time experience, even those from the UK. For the majority, this feeling passes quickly as they begin to make new friends and settle in. We know that you will be getting to grips with many new things in the first few weeks at Hartpury. Try to remember that almost all of our students are in the same situation. In a few weeks you will be friends with people who will be in your life for longer than the duration of your time at Hartpury. If you do find that you are struggling with being away from your family and friends, please reach out to the Wellbeing team or the Residential Support team.

“My advice for making friends? Just go for it! Be kind and friendly and it will pay off. Everyone has had to leave their old friends and life behind when they started uni, so we are all keen on forming new friendships.” Skai

Visit the Students’ Union website to start planning at https://hartpurysu.co.uk/

“While many students cannot wait to enjoy the social side of university, there may be some who do not enjoy going out as much. I was exactly the same, and the great thing is that no one will judge you for your decisions. There are plenty of fantastic quiet social events that Hartpury organises for those who like to stay in.” Eliza



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