“I’m sure you will not have too much trouble finding the kinds of food you like. There’s a wide range available in every grocery store. The chances are you will even be able to find authentic products from your home country here.” Skai

Eating out, eating in If you get hungry on campus or just want to meet friends for a coffee, there are plenty of places to choose from. Graze, our brand new campus refectory, and The Feed Room in the equine centre are the two best places to find main meals, and well as hot and cold food and drinks to grab on the go. There’s also Legends Bar (over 18s) and Subs Your Way for a mid-study drink or snack. There are lots of pubs, restaurants, cafés and street food outlets in Gloucester and Cheltenham.

If you are in self catered accommodation and plan to cook your own meals, there are several supermarkets in Gloucester including some within access of the local bus route. Well known food retailers include Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Asda, Morrisons, Waitrose and Marks & Spencer. You will also find independent food shops in Gloucester selling ingredients from all over the world.


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