Planning your budget Understanding your finances is a big part of your student experience. Being in charge of your budget is a good opportunity to gain an important life skill. Managing your own budget might be a new responsibility for you but it is easy to get organised.

How to make your money go further

Read our funding your studies guidance on living costs and budgeting. www.hartpury.ac.uk/uni living-costs

Download a budgeting app or see whether your bank offers one.

Visit the Save the Student website, which has lots of useful guidance about student budgeting, finance and money saving tips. www.savethestudent.org Earn while you learn. There are plenty of jobs available at Hartpury and the surrounding areas. Many offer flexible hours around your studies and Student visa requirements.

Here’s how some of our student ambassadors manage their money ...

“Some shops offer a student discount if you show them your Hartpury ID so it is always worth asking.” Dhruvpal

Have a cheap, fun night in by cooking with your housemates.

“It is easy to get overwhelmed by all the new things you see. My advice is, do not blow all your money in one go. Create a plan and stick to it so you can make the most of your time here and invest in your future.” Martyna

When buying books, check the library and go online to buy second-hand copies.

Ask yourself if you really need to buy that top, shoes or coffee!

“Give yourself a weekly or monthly allowance as this will help you keep on track. It is also important to keep in mind that you are here to learn and to have fun, so make sure you keep some money for doing activities with friends.” Emily

Always look out for shops that offer a student discount.

Our Finance team can help you manage your finances and give you more money-saving ideas.


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