Hartpury Outreach for Schools & Colleges

Animal - Owl pellets Hosted in Hartpury’s laboratories, students will be guided through a dissection of an owl pellet, after which they will dissect their own pellet in order to find and identify a variety of rodent species present in the pellet. Student’s will be able to understand more about an owl’s diet and what they are unable to digest.

Animal – Laboratory dissection (a variety of specimens available) Experience an interactive dissection where students can get up close and hands-on with a variety of different dissection specimens. This activity allows students to gain an appreciation and in-depth understanding of the anatomy that make up different animal structures and systems. Equipment required: Students will be required to wear shoes that protect their feet eg. trainers or boots. Students have to have legs covered eg. trousers/tracksuit bottoms, no tights/skirts or shorts. Year groups:

Equipment required: Students will be required to wear shoes that protect their feet eg. trainers or boots. Students have to have legs covered eg. trousers/tracksuit bottoms, no tights/skirts or shorts. Year groups:

Method of delivery: Face-to-face on or off campus.

Method of delivery: Face-to-face on campus

Animal - Using technology in wildlife conservation Conservationists are using more and more technology to understand the natural world. Knowing about and using these technologies is key for a career in conservation. In this session students will be introduced to different technologies such as radio-tracking, thermal imaging and camera trapping, as well as how they can use their own technology to engage in conservation. Equipment required: Students are welcome and encouraged to use their own mobile phones in this session, however technology can be provided as an alternative. Year groups:

Animal – First aid An awareness of animal first aid is essential when working in the animal industry. In this workshop, students will start to learn the basics of animal first aid with an interactive session on appropriate techniques for wound management and the application of various bandaging methods on companion animals.

Equipment required: Students are required to wear shoes that protect their feet eg. trainers

or boots. Legs must be covered e.g. trousers, no skirts or shorts. Year groups:

Method of delivery: Face-to-face on/off campus

Method of delivery: Face-to-face on or off campus, or virtual.

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