"I learnt so much about the outdoor industry at Hartpury; not just the practical side, but also about customer service and safety. It was fantastic being able to get out twice a week to do activities and it gave me the opportunity to make lots of great contacts – many of these I still paddle and work with today. I started Rapid Skills in 2018, specialising in kayak and canoe coaching and guiding, safety and rescue, and teaching paddlers to become confident leaders and coaches in the sport. When I’m not working, I’m on expeditions paddling some of the hardest whitewater and most remote rivers in the world." Josh Telling BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma Outdoor Activities Business owner, Rapid Skills Profile

Years GCSEs*

Our BTEC qualifications

Sport and Outdoor Activities

BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma


5 (grade 4)

BTEC Level 3 Foundation Diploma


2 (grade 4)

Find out more about our qualifications on pages 33-36

*Application is subject to most recent school report and subject-specific GCSE/functional skills qualifications in English and Maths and/or Science. Please see website course pages for details.


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