Your Enrolment Pack is here

Check your next steps below and find out more inside.

Read this Enrolment Pack It includes details about what you need to do now and when you get your results, and what to bring to enrolment.

Fill in your forms Download and complete your forms, ready to bring to

enrolment. Find out more on pages 5 and 7. www.hartpury.ac.uk/comingtohartpury

Apply for your transport If you live locally and want to travel on Hartpury transport, apply by 24 August 2024. See pages 5, 9, and 10. www.hartpury.ac.uk/college-transport

Add key dates to your diary Find your term dates and inset days on pages 17-18.

Make any payments Find details about payments and the financial support available on page 5.

International students Pay your deposit and start your visa application. Check our guidance at www.hartpury.ac.uk/college-student-visa

Buy kit or equipment Check page 15 for details and order online ready for enrolment.

Prepare your documents Send us any learning support documents via email now. Bring your forms and ID to enrolment. View pages 7-8.


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