Coming to Hartpury College


What happens

Check it off


Now onwards Accept your offer

Accept your offer as soon as possible You must accept your offer before you can apply for accommodation, transport or livery Check out pages 23-24 in this guide and visit . You may need to attend an assessment day Read about your transport options to and from college. Turn to page 19 and visit

Now onwards If you want to compete in your sporting area, apply to join our Sports Academy on our website

Now onwards Transport bookings open

January 2020 onwards

Receive your invitation to your induction day

Return the reply slip in your invitation to let us know you’re coming

1 March 2020 Accommodation bookings open

See pages 15-18 and read our college accommodation guide at

1 March 2020 Student livery bookings open

Learn about our livery on page 25 and visit

1 April 2020 Bursary applications open

Check out our bursaries on page 13 and visit Keep an eye on the post and your email inbox for exciting information about Hartpury student life This guide is perhaps your most important guide. It includes detailed information to help you get prepared to join us and enrol successfully in September

April 2020 You’ll receive your second Coming to Hartpury guide, Your Student Life

July 2020

You’ll get your third and final Coming to Hartpury guide, Your Enrolment Pack

August 2020 Exam results are released – good luck!

We’ll contact you in advance to let you know how to tell us your results

August 2020 You’ll get a small Coming to Hartpury enrolment gift from us in the post

Don’t forget to bring this with you to college!

September 2020

Enrolment and Welcome Week

Arrive at Hartpury, meet lecturers, support staff and new friends, move into your accommodation and join our #HartpuryFamily

We’re committed to the fair treatment of our applicants and students. To read our contractual terms and conditions and policies, please visit our website



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