Essentials for all offer-holders

Essentials for international offer-holders

Optional extras for all offer-holders Now: Apply for a master’s assistant role

Now: Accept your offer We recommend accepting your offer early to ensure you get your place. Simply email postgraduate@hartpury.ac.uk Now: Check your postgradute enrolment hub It contains everything you need to know about coming to Hartpury. www.hartpury.ac.uk/pg-enrolment Now: Arrange student finance From loans and grants to bursaries and scholarships, you’ll be surprised what’s available: www.hartpury.ac.uk/uni-finance June-August: Meet offer conditions (for those with conditional offers) If your offer is conditional, simply send us confirmation of your results by submitting via this online form: www.hartpury.ac.uk/exam-results From September: Enrol and start your studies We’ll send everything you need to know in advance to ensure you’re ready to maximise everything on offer (see opposite page).

Now: Evidence English language skills

You may need to prove your English language proficiency. Find out more: www.hartpury.ac.uk/english-proficiency Now: Apply for your Student visa Start the process early to give yourself plenty of time to get your visa: www.hartpury.ac.uk/studentvisa Our international teamwill hold a webinar on 30March 2022 to explain the process and answer your questions. We’ll invite you via email and also send a recording afterwards to watch it back. June: Pre-departure briefing and making your travel arrangements Join our webinar to find out everything you need to know about coming to the UK. We’ll also send your Passport to Hartpury in the post for full details. September: Join us at Hartpury Arrive at Hartpury University and start your postgraduate studies. We look forward to welcoming you.

If you want an opportunity to join our postgraduate staff as part of a paid role alongside your studies, you can apply here: www.hartpury.ac.uk/masters-assistant Now: Secure accommodation Whether you’re moving here to study or planning to use temporary accommodation, start doing your research now: www.hartpury.ac.uk/uni-accommodation If you’re keen to develop your talent as an athlete alongside your studies, get your application in as soon as possible: www.hartpury.ac.uk/uni-academies 31 March: Apply for livery If you would like to bring your horse to Hartpury, get your livery application in as soon as you can. Places are competitive: www.hartpury.ac.uk/uni-livery Now: Apply for a Sports Academy place

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