CTH 2020 UG

Your Enrolment This is an important part of your Welcome Week. Here’s what will happen: 1. Classroom session – first you’ll complete the online section of your enrolment with your Programme Manager. Please make sure you bring your laptop with you. Don’t have a laptop? You could be eligible for a Hardship Bursay of up to £1,000 to help with the cost www.hartpury.ac.uk/ug-finance You may need to fill in some extra finance forms. If you haven’t applied for a student loan, haven’t had your loan approved, or you’re an international student, it’s important that you fill in your FD1 Form and Direct Debit Mandate. Visit your offer-holder hub at www.hartpury.ac.uk/enrolment to download your forms. Please bring the completed copies to your enrolment Don’t forget to buy your parking permit, gym and sports academy membership prior to enrolment. Visit our online store: estore.hartpury.ac.uk Monday 21 September – Sunday 4 October 2020 Your Freshers’ Week Freshers’ Week runs at the same time as Welcome Week and includes lots of social activities to help you settle in and make friends. We’ll be running it over two weeks instead of one this year. Your first week will be packed full of fun physical and virtual events, while your second week will include some chilled activities to help you relax after your first lectures. Find out more on page 7. Monday 28 September 2020 Get your student loan Providing you enrol before Friday 25 September, you’ll get your student loan on Monday 28 September. If you enrol after this date, your loan will be released as soon as possible after 28 September. Enrolling during Covid-19 We’re ensuring our protocols are regularly updated in line with the latest Government guidance. Our estates team are continuing to install safety and wellbeing measures across the whole of our rural 360-hectare campus. We’re currently working hard on detailed plans for your enrolment and academic experience. You’ll receive your full Welcome Week and Freshers’ timetable in September. You should be receiving regular email updates about our latest plans. You can also find the most up-to-date information on our Covid-19 FAQs page. www.hartpury.ac.uk/cv19 When you arrive on campus, you’ll have plenty of guidance to help you to remain hygienic and social distanced. We’ll also provide necessary safety equipment and clear instructions in key places about our protocols. You’ll discover out more about this soon. 2. Enrolment hall – get your photo taken for your Hartpury student ID.


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