Plan your time Think about how you might balance your study and leisure time. What will help you keep your studies on track whilst still enjoying everything else there is to do on campus? Think about creating a timetable with your friends when you get here. Begin budgeting Make a list of what you might spend while you’re here and how you’ll ensure that you stay within budget. We find spreadsheets really help our students to keep track of their money. You could always get a part-time job while you’re studying here, or perhaps over the summer months, to give you some pocket money for when you arrive. Become laundry savvy If you’re moving away for the first time, you might want to get laundry savvy. Offer to do your laundry at home (this will help your family too). You don’t want to be shrinking your best top

when you arrive. Learn to cook

If you’re living on campus, you’ll have your meals in our eatery but you might like to make a few simple things in the microwave – how about trying a delicious mug cake or whipping up some budget friendly and filling scrambled eggs?

CTH2025 Your Next Steps


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